
Ishihara color vision test online

This is my online and free version of the Ishihara test for color-blindness. In addition to saying what exactly your deficiency, it also teaches us that no one has the truth about colors: Contains some images that color-blind people don't see at all, others that they see different from the rest and others that only they can see. One way or another, we all lose some nuance of reality...

The most beautiful models (in alphabetical order)

It takes beauty! Because even in the middle of the battle the men stop for dream or avert their eyes from the road to see if the horizon is still there. We need something to fight, especially when it seems that there is not. And love can not be represented, but as we all love something beautiful, beauty itself can be exemplified. And these are some examples of universal beauty, standards of beauty...

Top 50 popular women

This list recreational took me a tremendous leisure effort, and, believe it or not, is pure science. It is based on women with higher number of results on Google (popularity), filtered through the trends according to Google Insights for Search, Zeitgeist and Trends (today) and ordered by the number of searches of Images (aesthetics), resulting in: the list of world's most wanted women of the year.


Let's explore one of the strongest optical illusions ever: stereograms, pictures that create a sense of three-dimensionality from two-dimensional images, such as 3D movies but at a glance. Warning: It is possible that after seeing this collection of stereograms you feel headache, you stay squint for a while and/or get hit by a motorcycle slightly out of focus...

Between the Earth and the Moon

Between the Earth and the Moon is a game wich needs a single click, imagination and a lot of questions to one-self. Are they close or far? Are they small or big? Are they special or just more of the same? Are they ephemeral or eternal? Earth attract the Moon or teh Moon roll? Do tehy float or rest in space? Wich one is on top of wich one? How would be the trip between the two? Is much or little what we know?

Cibermitanios' Intelligence Test

Intelligence, no matter if Einstein's, Shakespeare's or of Mother Teresa's, has to do with learning to detect patterns and associate symbols, and that's what tests this test. There are 40 questions with different difficulties that will test those skills. (The intelligence you put inyo this will dictate the number of correct answers, not the opposite.)

150 factoids

Factoides has a section of mini-factoids which compiles what I daily publish on Twitter, and today I'm publishing the factoid number 150. To celebrate the milestone, here is a party will all of them. I know: this is not the most elaborated post, but hopefully it will entertain you until I have more free time. If you like these factoids, follow @FactoidesComAr to read new ones every day.

The 99 most beautiful women in the world (4)

Have you tied your jaw with scotch tape? Well, let's see the 24 most beautiful women of the world, chosen by men experts from around the globe. And with this ends the torture until the next year, but don't forget to return and read other interesting things of this blog, including Poronguetti's master lessons about sex and science.

The 99 most beautiful women in the world (3)

We keep in our visual hollidays, admiring another 25 of the most beautiful women in the world, 25 more reasons to live happy in this world... and if it is not possible to have them live, at least you could have each of these women as a wallpaper. The thing is getting hotter and hotter, and finally in the next post we will see who are the most worldwide desirable women.

The 99 most beautiful women in the world (2)

Second annual dose of feminine beauty, ideal to delight the eyes and relax the mind from many scientific and philosophical challenges. In this case, we approach the middle of the list of the most beautiful women in the world with some ladies who were present in past years and other new beauties that you probably dont know. Without further ado: 100 photos of women with the numbers 74 to 50...
¡There's more! »