
Cibermitanios' Intelligence Test

Intelligence, no matter if Einstein's, Shakespeare's or of Mother Teresa's, has to do with learning to detect patterns and associate symbols, and that's what tests this test. There are 40 questions with different difficulties that will test those skills. (The intelligence you put inyo this will dictate the number of correct answers, not the opposite.)


  • All answers must be written in lower case, and respecting the rules of spelling.

  • There is no time limit nor mandatory order to answer the questions. Patience and imagination are key qualities to apply your intelligence.

  • The first question show its answer to make things easier. When you press the "Check" button, you will have gained the first point.



  • 1 to 10 correct answers: poor intelligence. Definitely you don't took the time to think about the questions. You could try again, or apply for a job at Microsoft.

  • 11 to 20 correct answers: average Intelligence. It's a very good result. Most will not pass this point, although some general knowledge will help you answer more questions with the same brain.

  • 21 to 35 correct answers: high intelligence. Your result is worthy of a reader of Cibermitanios. Your mind knows to get new points of view and take unusual decisions.

  • 36 to 40 correct answers: genius or expert in Googleing. Your intelligence is superior to 90% of the people. You should be working on a time machine or something like that.

This, like any test, is just a game, and the result has no real value. Your life, your game; your rules, your results.

Please do not write your answers in the comments section below.

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