
150 factoids

Factoides has a section of mini-factoids which compiles what I daily publish on Twitter, and today I'm publishing the factoid number 150. To celebrate the milestone, here is a party will all of them. I know: this is not the most elaborated post, but hopefully it will entertain you until I have more free time. If you like these factoids, follow @FactoidesComAr to read new ones every day.

  1. When a child completes elementary school, has already seen 40,000 murders on television.

  2. The moon revolves around the Earth more than 3,200 kilometers per hour.

  3. The couch gag of The Simpsons is used to lengthen the duration of the episode. On average, lasts 6 seconds; the longest, 46.

  4. There are among 250 thousand and 1.75 million worms per acre of land.

  5. The classic soccer balls alternate black and white pentagons so that they could be better seen in the first TV broadcasts.

  6. Lightning hit 7 times more men than women.

  7. Polar bears are left handed.

  8. On average, a beaver knocks down 200 trees a year.

  9. Dinosaurs became extinct before the Alps were formed.

  10. Taking a plane in Tokyo at 07:00 pm, you can get to Honolulu at 04:30 of the previous day.

  11. The average person goes to the bathroom 6 times per day.

  12. The original owner of the Marlboro company died of lung cancer.

  13. Like fingers, tongues have unique toeprints for each person.

  14. The average person hit the "snooze" button three times before getting up.

  15. In Sri Lanka, the gesture for "yes" is to move the hand from side to side.

  16. The three most valuable brands in the world are Marlboro, Coca-Cola and Budweiser, in that order.

  17. For every barrel of oil that the companies extract, the world's population consumes six.

  18. The "#", commonly known as "pound sign", is actually called "octothorp".

  19. Mexico City is sinking more than 10 cm a year.

  20. Michael Jordan made ​​more money in a year from Nike that all the factory workers.

  21. The average person falls asleep in 7 minutes.

  22. Hitler's mother was about to have an abortion, but her doctor persuaded her otherwise.

  23. World population grew by more than 3,000 million people in the past 40 years.

  24. The traffic lights were used before the invention of the cars.

  25. Seawater freezes at -2.2º C.

  26. Shanghai is the largest city in the world: 13.3 million people.

  27. Due to gravity, one weighs a few grams less when the moon is over the head.

  28. The average distance to the center of the Earth is 6,378 km.

  29. Sneezing requires so much energy that all other bodily functions stop.

  30. Three billion cells die in your body every minute.

  31. Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards.

  32. No insect makes noise with his mouth. In general, use their wings or legs.

  33. Adolf Hitler wrote a book called Four and a half years struggle against lies, stupidity and cowardice (AKA "My Struggle").

  34. The zebra is black with white stripes.

  35. Over 85% of your brain is water.

  36. A hippopotamus can run faster than a human.

  37. All the planets of the Solar System rotates anticlockwise, except Venus.

  38. The Komodo dragon can grow to 3 meters long, usually more than a car.

  39. A whale can swim for 3 months without eating.

  40. A person can die much faster by not sleeping than by not eating.

  41. It's called "left-handed" when something rotates counter clockwise and "right-handed" when rotates clockwise.

  42. The giraffe has as many bones in the neck as we have.

  43. The elephant's trunk has about 40,000 muscles (and no bones.)

  44. Turtles can live over 100 years.

  45. The strength of an average male is 30% higher than the strength of an average woman.

  46. Of 38 spacecraft sent to Mars, only 19 made ​​it successfully. At least 3 crashed. The rest lost contact on the road.

  47. Oysters can change their sex during their live.

  48. Quicksand rarely drown people, but traps and starves them.

  49. In 6 cm2 of human skin there are 20 million microscopic creatures.

  50. The pearls make bubbles in contact with vinegar.

  51. At this moment, 0.7% of the world's people are drunk.

  52. Apart from humans, the armadillo is the only known creature that can get leprosy.

  53. Fingernails grow four times faster than toenails.

  54. Butterflies taste with their hind legs.

  55. The planet Mercury has a temperature of 430º C at day and -180º C at night.

  56. 60 or 65 million years ago, the Man and the dolphin had a common ancestor.

  57. 65% of autistic people are lefties.

  58. The bicycle speed record is 268 km/h (Fred Rompelberg).

  59. One cubic centimeter of a neutron star weighs more than 100 million tons.

  60. The Milky Way is moving toward the Great Attractor at 1,600,000 km/h.

  61. If you were immortal and you stand in a single place, a meteor will hit you every 9,300 years.

  62. The Solar System orbits the galaxy at 885,139 km/h.

  63. The largest living thing in the world, measuring 2,600 km, is the Great Barrier Reef, and can be seen from space.

  64. All matter in the universe weighs about one nonillion (1048) tons.

  65. Saturn is so light that will float on water.

  66. A bit of your brain of the size of a grain of sand has a hundred thousand neurons.

  67. Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded.

  68. Up to 10% of the weight of a pillow consists of dust mites and their droppings.

  69. In the thirteenth century, many Europeans baptized their children with beer.

  70. The time between systole and diastole (contraction and relaxation of the heart) is called perisystole.

  71. The human body has 75 km of nerves.

  72. The toughest material created by the terrestrial nature is the spiderweb.

  73. If gravity suddenly disappeared, we would be ejected into space at more than 1,500 km/h.

  74. A person blinks about 25,000 times a week.

  75. Amphibians see in black and white.

  76. 9 out of 10 banknotes circulating in the United States have cocaine.

  77. Frank Zappa's children are Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet Emuukha, and Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen.

  78. There is an animal with blue blood: the bayonet or horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus).

  79. 32,000 people commit suicide in the U.S. every year. 20% of them are veterans.

  80. The ostrich is the only bird with two fingers. Most have 3 or 4.

  81. The real name is Ricky Martin Enrique Martín Morales IV.

  82. Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.

  83. The word cemetery, from the greek koimetirion, means "bedroom".

  84. Righties live 9 years more than lefties.

  85. It is more likely that a person dies from a stroke of champagne cork than by a poisonous spider bite.

  86. The name Wendy was invented in the book Peter Pan

  87. Only one person in 2,000 million live 116 years or more.

  88. 111.111,111 × 111.111,111 = 12,345,678,987.654321.

  89. The average life of a baseball ball in a professional game is 7 pitches.

  90. American Airlines saved $ 40,000 annually by eliminating one olive from each salad.

  91. Men use an average of 15,000 words per day; women, 30,000.

  92. Cats and dogs, like us, can be left or right handed.

  93. The average weight of an iceberg is 20 million tonnes.

  94. On December 16, 1811, an earthquake caused the Mississippi River's water flowed in the opposite direction.

  95. The most common name in the world is Mohammed.

  96. The original name of Bugs Bunny, in 1935, was Happy Rabbit.

  97. A kg of potato chips costs 200 times more than a kg of potatoes.

  98. Ants don't sleep.

  99. The Atlantic Ocean is saltier than the Pacific.

  100. The Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters.

  101. Shakespeare's daughter was illiterate.

  102. The Wizard of the movie Fantasia was called Yensid: Disney backwards.

  103. The city of Istanbul is the only one in the world located on two continents at once: Europe and Asia.

  104. Until the nineteenth century, shoes for left and right feet were identical.

  105. Without heart disease, cancer and diabetes, current life expectancy would be 99.2 years.

  106. Before World War II, the New York telephone directory had 22 Hitler. By the end of the war, zero.

  107. The sun releases more energy in one second than all the energy consumed by humanity since its beginnings.

  108. The CDs are designed to store 72 minutes of music because that is the duration of the 9th Symphony of Beethoven.

  109. The name HAL, from 2001: a Space Odyssey, is formed by the letters immediately before IBM.

  110. There are more than 60,000 people flying at any time of day.

  111. During his lifetime, the average person walks enough to make three trips around the world.

  112. Read all articles in the Wikipedia would take you at least 14 years.

  113. Japan consists of 6,852 islands.

  114. Coca-Cola kills insects (possibly due to its high amount of caffeine).

  115. A tree of average size has wood for about 170,000 pencils.

  116. In 2008, NASA spent $ 450 million on a mission to fix the toilet of the International Space Station.

  117. If you gather all the salt from the oceans, it could cover the entire planet with a layer of 2 meters deep.

  118. Super Mario's original name was Mr. Video.

  119. Crocodiles kill more people than sharks.

  120. Your eyes are the same size throughout your entire life.

  121. The passport was invented by Henry V of England.

  122. Pixar's characters blinks with one eye at a time.

  123. An average person spends 3 years of his life going to the bathroom.

  124. There are about 100 million bubbles in a bottle of champagne.

  125. The day on Mercury is longer than its year.

  126. The lighter was invented 4 years before the match.

  127. One gram of DNA can contain as much information as 1 trillion CDs.

  128. An atom of chlorine released into the atmosphere destroys up to 10,000 molecules of ozone.

  129. If you connect the earth and the moon with a phone cable, it would weigh a million tons.

  130. If you gather all the material in the rings of Saturn, there would be an area of the size of the moon.

  131. Women of Babylon were forced into prostitution once in their lifes.

  132. The human eye pupils are dilated by mild and sudden noises.

  133. A snail can sleep for 3 consecutive years.

  134. There are 200 million insects for every human being.

  135. Only mammals have lobes around their ears.

  136. My left hand typed 56% of the letters in this post.

  137. If Barbie were life size, her measurements would be 99-60-84 and 2.15 meters high.

  138. One of the four smokestacks of the Titanic was only an ornament.

  139. Broccoli, cauliflower and artichokes are the only vegetables that are flowers.

  140. The world's most poisonous plant is Ricinus communis: 6,000 times more toxic than cyanide (6 seeds can kill a horse).

  141. Humanity learned to use metals only in the last 2% of life on Earth.

  142. Each year, 98% of the atoms in the human body are replaced.

  143. Astronauts grow between 3 and 6 cm while they are in orbit.

  144. The first wheel is about 5,500 years old.

  145. The distance between Earth and the Sun in summer and winter varies about 5 million kilometers (3.3%).

  146. On average, a person changes careers every 9 years.

  147. Sheeps can recognize other sheep and people, even in photographs.

  148. At the time of the dinosaurs, the Earth day lasted 23 hours.

  149. The parachute was invented more than a century before the first planes appeared.

  150. To obtain one kg of saffron, you need a million flowers.

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